Lines of research


Its object of study is art in general and art in Brazil in particular, in its multiple aspects, deepening research on artistic phenomena, their temporalities, circulations and receptions. The area deals with the models and meanings of art and image in interdisciplinary approaches to visual production with other human and social sciences.

In the Area of History and Theory of Art, two lines of research are developed:

Art History and Criticism

It addresses issues related to the history and historiography of art, aesthetic theories and methodologies for analyzing artistic production in general and art in Brazil in particular.

Image and Culture

It reflects on the models and meanings of visual arts, image and culture, both from the perspective of interdisciplinary approaches between visual production and the human and social sciences, as well as in dialogue with other sciences.

  • História e Crítica da Arte

Aborda questões relativas à história e à historiografia da arte, às teorias estéticas e metodologias de análise da produção artística em geral e da arte no Brasil, em particular.

  • Imagem e Cultura

Reflete sobre os modelos e sentidos das artes visuais, da imagem e da cultura, tanto na perspectiva de abordagens interdisciplinares entre a produção visual e as ciências humanas e sociais, como em diálogo com as demais ciências.


Artistic researches are developed in conjunction with different theoretical fields, with an emphasis on experimental processes and their conceptual formulations.

In the area of Theory and Experiments in Art, two lines of research are developed:

Visual Media

It aims to promote and improve articulations between artistic practice and the theoretical field. Its assumption is that contemporary artistic production manifests itself through the plurality of approaches and different forms of expression: whether plastic, visual, sound, film, performance, architectural or theatrical. It understands contemporary art as a plural field of aesthetic experimentation and production of critical thinking, inseparable from the political and cultural questions that permeate the present.

Interdisciplinary Poetics

Focused on different contemporary processes of creation and invention, the Interdisciplinary Poetics line investigates and promotes practical and conceptual experimentation in art, taking into account the sensibilities and networks that permeate, from a systemic view, the knowledge involved in work and in formation of the artist-researcher. Aimed at artists with a transdisciplinary orientation, it seeks to stimulate investigations whose practice is in line with the challenges of the current world, covering fields such as mediation, information and image technologies, pointing to tangles between body, landscape, poetics of the sublime, nature and environment, traditional knowledge and ancestry.

  • Linguagens Visuais

Objetiva promover e aperfeiçoar articulações entre a prática artística e o campo teórico. Seu pressuposto é de que a produção artística contemporânea se manifesta através da pluralidade de abordagens e diferentes formas de expressão: sejam plásticas, visuais, sonoras, fílmicas, performáticas, arquitetônicas ou teatrais. Compreende a arte contemporânea como um campo plural de experimentação estética e de produção de pensamento crítico, inseparável dos questionamentos políticos e culturais que atravessam o presente.

  • Poéticas Interdisciplinares

Focada nos diferentes processos contemporâneos de criação e invenção, a linha Poéticas Interdisciplinares investiga e promove a experimentação prática e conceitual da arte, levando em consideração as sensibilidades e as redes que permeiam, a partir de uma visão sistêmica, os saberes envolvidos no trabalho e na formação do artista-pesquisador. Destinada a artistas de orientação transdisciplinar, busca estimular investigações cuja prática esteja em consonância com os desafios do mundo atual, contemplando campos tais como tecnologias de mediação, da informação e da imagem, apontando para emaranhados entre corpo, paisagem, poéticas do sublime, natureza e meio ambiente, saberes tradicionais e ancestralidade.