
General objectives

The PPGAV-UFRJ aims to train researchers, teachers and highly qualified professionals in the field of knowledge of the visual arts. It aims to promote critical, theoretical and methodological reflection on the field of theory and art making, foster scientific and artistic production and its dissemination, encourage cooperation practices and academic exchange in teaching and research.

Specific objectives

1. Promote research and qualified contemporary artistic production, through the articulation between theoretical reflections and practical experiences and the use of different media and means for the development of experiments and artistic facts;

2. Deepen the training of artist researchers in the theoretical discussion and realization of artistic projects inserted in the plurality of creative processes;

3. Collaborate in the training of qualified teachers to work in the field of art, both from a theoretical and practical point of view;

4. To increase research in the field of art theory and history, seeking contemporary guidelines for the various chronologies and issues in the field, with a special focus on art produced in Brazil;

5. Deepen researches related to the universe of image and materiality, intertwined with cultural manifestations in their different degrees and relations with art and society;

6. Foster critical and curatorial thinking in visual arts, especially around the poetic and aesthetic aspects of contemporary artistic production;

7. Develop poetic experiences in the art/science/technology intersection, involving networks, hybridizations and telematic connections;

8. Encourage and support research groups in the field of visual arts;

9. Articulate national and international collaboration networks for the development and dissemination of research in the arts in Brazil and abroad;

10. Strategically encourage the intellectual production of teachers and students in national and international forums, to create opportunities for exchange, innovation and artistic-cultural visibility;

11. Stimulate continuity and new research in the D. João Museum collection VI-EBA/UFRJ;

12. Promote the dissemination of research in visual arts and its ramifications;

13. Promote academic extension;

14. Disseminate the transforming experience of art to a wide and varied public, in different social strata.